Warm-Up 3/25/14 Do the following: Grab 2 sheets of colored paper. Put one on top of the other, with the top piece 1cm lower. Fold down to make equal sized tabs. Staple close to fold.
Naming Covalent (Nonmetal-Nonmetal) Compounds Tuesday 3/25/14
Add to Unit 10 Title Page! L.O.#3 Write the formula for and name binary ionic compounds, including those with transition metals and polyatomic ions. L.O.#4 Write the formula for and name binary covalent compounds.
Grab your fold over…
Tab 1: STEP 1 Write the name of the 1st element with the proper Greek Prefix to identify the amount (subscript) Do not use “mono” if only one. Ex) N2O
Tab 2: STEP 2 Write the name of the second element with the ending changed to “ide.” Use proper prefix to identify amount (subscript) Ex) N2O
Tab 3: Greek Prefixes
Practice Together…
Your Job Glue the rules fold over on pg. 41 Complete the practice problems and glue on pg. 40 Quiz Thursday on formulas + naming! TEST Friday!