The Power of the Arts The Purposes and Lessons of Art Created by: Laura Dedic Madison Central High School
The Power of the Arts Art fulfills a variety of purposes. “Great art reveals the spirit of the age that produced it.” – Lewis & Lewis, The Power of Art Studying the arts can teach us many lessons.
Reasons for Creating Art Ceremonial Artistic Expression Narrative Functional / Utilitarian Persuasive
Reasons for Creating Art 1. Ceremonial Reasons Ritual Celebration Artworks created to support worship Express spiritual beliefs
Reasons for Creating Art Artistic Expression Art expresses and communicates emotions Expresses ideas Self expression To decorate or beautify objects
Reasons for Creating Art Narrative – to tell a story Describe and illustrate experiences Communicate information Document important or historical events
Reasons for Creating Art 4. Functionality A.K.A. utilitarian Art objects used in everyday life Pottery Quilts Baskets And many more…
Reasons for Creating Art Persuasive Artworks that promote ideas, philosophies, or products Advertising Marketing Propaganda Ideology, etc.
Goal for Humanities Class “Whatever the type of art in question, the first step in learning to appreciate art is simply learning to look and/or listen.” Lewis & Lewis, The Power of Art
Kentucky Core Content 4.1 AH-HS-3.4.1 Students will explain how art fulfills a variety of purposes.