Information Retrieval CIS-462 Dr. Samir Tartir 2014/2015 First Semester
Class Lecture Times: Room: IT-402 Slides are on ecourse: STT 12:10-13:00 Room: IT-402 Slides are on ecourse:
Lecturer Instructor: Dr. Samir Tartir Office: IT 303 Office Hours: STT 12-2 E-mail: Website Facebook:
Course Overview Prerequisites: CIS-261 (Fundamentals of Databases) Textbook: Title: “Introduction to Information Retrieval” Authors: Manning, Raghavan, Schutze Publisher: Cambridge University Press, 2008
Description Databases only hold the subset of information known as "structured data". Documents and hypermedia are also information repositories, often referred to as semi-structured data. The Web makes this area of information management more important than ever. This module introduces topics related to information retrieval systems, hypermedia systems and web search.
Objectives Giving students an understanding of the fundamental techniques for hypermedia architectures, design and usability, document management and retrieval, metadata management, and searching the web.
Course Contents Software design and implementation Introduction to Information Retrieval (IR) systems Boolean Retrieval The term vocabulary and posting lists Dictionaries and tolerant retrieval Index construction and index compression Scoring, term weighting and vector space model Computing scores in a complete search system Evaluation in Information retrieval XML Retrieval Web Search basics Web Crawling and indexes Link analysis Refer to course page for syllabus
Grading First exam: 20% Second exam: 20% Quizzes & Participation: 5% Projects (3 or 4): 15% Final exam: 40%
Projects 3 or 4 programming projects To be done in teams of 3 Submitted by email to
Late and Cheating Policies All assignments are due by 11:59 PM 10% penalty for each late day Zero points if late by more than 5 days Proper documentation needed for health- related excuses Cheating cases handed over to academic honesty department Minimum penalty – F grade with note in transcript
Use of Electronic Devices Laptops/Tablets Only for note taking or training on class material, can be asked to turn in notes. Phones Must always be silent or turned off while in class First time a warning, second you’ll be asked to leave class. Only in emergencies Others Should be turned off