Word Parts 12 roots (white) 1 prefix (pink) 1 suffix (green) Greek lesson 13 Word Parts 12 roots (white) 1 prefix (pink) 1 suffix (green)
1. Aesth, esth = feeling; perception Lesson 13: Roots 1. Aesth, esth = feeling; perception Example Words: aesthetics, anesthetic
2. Eth = habit; moral Lesson 13: Roots Example Words: ethical, ethology
Lesson 13: Roots 3. Neur = nerve Example Words: neuritis, neurotic
4. Pneum, pneumat = breath; wind Lesson 13: Roots 4. Pneum, pneumat = breath; wind Example Word: pneumatic, pneumonia
5. Opt, ops, op = sight; view; eye Lesson 13: roots 5. Opt, ops, op = sight; view; eye Example Word: optical, autopsy, myopia
Lesson 13: roots 6. Ophthalm = eye Example Word: ophthalmology
7. Them, the, thet, thek = put; place Lesson 13: roots 7. Them, the, thet, thek = put; place Example Words: theme, thesis, hypothesis, synthesis
8. Thanat, thanas = death Lesson 13: roots Example Words: euthanasia, hydrothanasia
Lesson 13: roots 9. Necro = dead Example Words: necrology, necropsy
Lesson 13: Roots 10. Taph = tomb Example Words: epitaph
11. Mnem, mne, mnes = memory Lesson 13: roots Example Words: amnesia, mnemonic
12. Soph = wise Lesson 13: roots Or it might be a compound of the Greek words σοφός (sophos), "wise" + μωρός (moros), "foolish, dull".[6 Example Words: sophomore, philosophy, sophisticated
1. Dys = difficult; bad Lesson 13: prefix Example Words: dysentery, dystopia, dyslexia
Lesson 13: suffix 1. -orama = view Example Word: panorama