Morphology Trophozoite Pre-cyst Cyst Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Trophozoite Cyst Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
The food taken in a food vacuole formed by the cell membrane and a bit of the cytoplasm. The vacuoles are transported deeper into the cells by cytoplasmic movements. Here they fuse with lysosomes that contain enzymes such as amylase and proteinase. Thus, amoeba can digest sugars, cellulose and proteins. Fats, however, remain undigested. Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Life Cycle of Entamoeba histolytica Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Intestinal amoebiasis Pathology:: Intestinal amoebiasis Histopathology of a typical flask-shaped ulcer of intestinal amoebiasis Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
The lumenal side of the colon from fulminating amebiasis case showing several ulcers. Note raised edges (arrow). Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
IIntestinal abscess caused by Entamoeba histolytica Amoeboma Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Extra-intestinal amoebiasis Amoebic liver abscesses Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Extra-intestinal amoebiasis Amoebic liver abscess Gross pathology of amebic abscess of liver. Tube of "chocolate" pus from abscess. Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Pleuro-pulmonary amoebiasis Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Neutrophilic infiltrate surrounding large amoebic cell that has ingested several erythrocytes (arrow). Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
A well demarcated swelling is seen in the epigastrium in a case of a left lobe amoebic liver abscess. Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015
Charcot-Leyden crystals in a trichrome permanent stained fecal smear and the crystal stains red and has two pointed ends. These crystals are formed from the breakdown products of eosinophils and indicate an immune response. However, the presence of these crystals may not always be attributed to a parasitic infection. Dr. Manar Sobh Azab February, 2015