Massachusetts Our Home By Cooper C. April 5, 2017
Locating Massachusetts Massachusetts is located in the North East of America
Where is Dalton Dalton is in Northwestern part of Massachusetts
Mt.Grelock stateReservation North Adams,Adams,LanesBorough, Cheshire, WilliamsTown,New Ashford 1. Mt.Greylock State Reservation is the highst point of Massachusetts. 2. It Became Massachusetts first wilderness state park.
Natural Bridge state Park It was found in North Adams Massachusetts. It is the only naturally formed white marble arch and man made white marble in North America. It's made of 550 year old marble.
Connecticut River and Quabbin Reservoir The Quabbin Reservoir is a water sors for Boston and the Quibbin Resivoir belonged to the Nimpmuc Indians.
The First Thanksgiving They had fish and Chiken and rabets.They had people to help them find it.
Web sites Used mt-greylock-state-reservation-generic.html pilgrims