Spirituality is that which gives life, meaning and purpose? . Spirituality is that which gives life, meaning and purpose? Starter : “Babies and young children are born highly spiritual and the experiences of life and the institutional nature of education drains it from them.” Do you agree ? What happens in life that deadens spirituality? Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol
Katy Staples | Schools Adviser spiritual development in curriculum enhancement and class assemblies/ collective worship HELP! I’m a new RE Co-ordinator how can you support your local school ? Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol
Katy Staples | Schools Adviser A reflection Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol
Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Ourselves Others Beyond The World and Beauty Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol
Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Careful Observation Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol
Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Cultivate Amazement … “When it’s over, I want to say all my life I was a bride married to amazement… When it is over, I don’t want to wonder If I made of my life something particular and real” Mary Oliver Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol
Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Why you alongside teachers? To have the time to find the pebbles, cut out the stars and fishes, source the music , blow up the globe , find the leaves , have the mental space to think …. Sometimes having that support from someone else ensures the special stuff can happen ……. Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol
Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Ourselves Others Beyond The World and Beauty Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol
Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Why Class worship ? Benefits for children? Each child has a chance to contribute and make their own response and be heard Pupils can begin to plan and shape their own worship in a safe-scale context The school has an organic way of monitoring pupils understanding of the themes explored in worship and of individual pupils spiritual development Benefits for you? Its relational - your heart can be moved by the wisdom of children Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol
Simple format : Greeting Engagement Reflection Sending out Katy Staples : katy.staples@bristoldiocese.org
Katy Staples | Schools Adviser final reflection Biggest finger – those in charge Pointer – those who show us the way Ring finger – those we love and who are close to us Thumbs Up – thanks Little finger – those who are weak or poorly Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol
Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Just 3 ideas ……. Katy Staples | Schools Adviser Diocese of Bristol