Advanced Clinical Training How to Efficiently Facilitate Optimal Trunk Rotation in Golfers Using Bodyblade® Technology
The Performance Objective Achieving complete trunk rotation while: Maintaining optimal posture/spine angles Creating stable foundation (“Pelvic Triangle”) Remaining fully “connected” Keeping maximum lever lengths Forming ideal swing path and planes Attaining maximum rotational speed
The Physical Challenges Golf-specific spine angle demands: --- vertical vs tilted Muscle function: ---“stability” vs “mobility” Golf-specific lever length demands: --- short vs long
A Brief Review/Demo of Basic Golf Swing Mechanics Posture at address Initial take-away (swing-away) Complete backswing Transition to forward swing (downswing) Forward swing to impact Impact to early release Complete follow-through
Overview of a “Periodized” Fitness Training Program Design
Period One Begin to “release” and “reeducate” posture (standing and address posture with 1° and 2° angles).* Begin to “release” rotational flexibility – spine and hips. Begin to “rebuild” core – lumbopelvic and scapulothoracic.* Initiate balance training. Begin cardiovascular/endurance training. *(Follow the neurodevelopmental training sequence!)
Period Two Continue to “release” and “reeducate” posture as needed. Continue to “release” rotational flexibility as needed. Advance core “rebuilding”. Begin trunk rotation strengthening. Begin upper and lower extremity strengthening. Advance balance training. Advance cardio training.
Period Three Optimize posture potential. Optimize rotational flexibility. Optimize core strength and stability. Advance trunk rotation strengthening. Advance upper and lower extremity strengthening. Optimize balance training. Continue to advance cardio training.
Basic Bodyblade® Core Strengthening Exercise Techniques Period One Basic Bodyblade® Core Strengthening Exercise Techniques
Period Two Advanced Bodyblade® Core Strengthening and Beginning Level Rotational Strengthening Techniques
Seated Rotation Progression Seated segmental rotation (short lever length) Seated segmental rotation (long lever length) Seated dynamic rotation (short lever length) Seated dynamic rotation (long lever length)
Advanced Bodyblade® Rotational Strengthening Exercise Techniques Period Three Advanced Bodyblade® Rotational Strengthening Exercise Techniques
Vertical Standing Rotation Progression Vertical standing segmental rotation (short lever length) Vertical standing segmental rotation (long lever length) Vertical standing dynamic rotation (short lever length) Vertical standing dynamic rotation (long lever length)
Angled Standing Rotation Progression Angled standing segmental rotation (short lever length) Angled standing segmental rotation (long lever length) Angled standing dynamic rotation (short lever length) Angled standing dynamic rotation (long lever length)