SUCCESSES AND PROBLEMS Over 1400 publications from ADNI!!! Updated ADNI website on LONI All but a few sites are enrolling Unfortunately enrollment is slow: especially for MCI, AD , and minorities Very substantial baseline tau PET, some longitudinal Availability of AV 1451 has been problematic Enrollment will continue to at least 900 participants
FIXED ADNI DATA SETS The ADNI data base is constantly being updated As it should be In the past, we have had requests for “fixed data sets” for various purposes: “challenges” We now plan to establish a number of fixed data sets May be identified with specific questions: e.g. Predicting amyloid status from genetics Predicting cognitive decline/conversion Seeking individuals interested in being involved
INCREASED INTEREST IN BLOOD TESTS Polygenic risk scores Impact of low cost whole genome sequencing Impact of DNA methylation, telomeres in WBCs Plasma AB 42/40 Araclon antibody Recent Bateman MS results Nakamura MS results Roche immunoassay results!!! Neurofiliment light, tau, proteomics Big role for ADNI to provide samples for validation
LONG TERM PLANNING FOR ADNI Will there or should there be an ADNI 4? What happens if treatments are approved? Role of ADNI in the treatment era? Options for ADNI 4 Will new technologies be available? Enrollment of new participants: Why? New populations: younger participants? Continuation of existing participants Maintenance of data and sample repository
CONCLUSIONS ADNI 3 enrollment should be completed in one year Major challenge are MCI, AD, and minority subjects Validation of blood tests and longitudinal tau!!! Need to start long term planning for ADNI:ADNI4