Types of Homocide
causes the death of another person on purpose (mens rea) Culpable Homocide
causes the death of another person by accident Non Culpable Homocide
1st Degree Murder occurs under any of the following situations: planned and deliberate hire of contract with another to commit murder is an on duty peace officer killing someone while committing another serious offense sentence is life in prison, no parole for 25 years 1st Degree Murder
murder that doesn't fit any situations for 1st degree murder sentence is lifei prison, no parole for 10 years 2nd Degree Murder
killing someone while committing another less serious offense provocation is a wrongful act that is of such a nature so that an ordinary person would lose self control Manslaughter
includes intentionally using force against another person, threatening somone, displaying a weapon must have intent criminal negligence - a careless or reckless act that harms another person Assault