Rubric for News Report Emerging Basic Proficient Advanced Mastery OR Source Missing article title or missing name of website or publication. Summary Explains ideas from the article in their own words but not clearly enough to make sense, not in an organized way, or with inaccurate information. OR Student copies directly from the article and might explain the main idea this way but hasn’t used their own words. Student has not read the entire article as is expected. Significance Too vague or not thoughtful. Just re-stating summary or explaining information again. Clearly identified by both article title and name of website or publication. Explains the main idea of the article but does not include enough important details. Inaccurate information or poor explanations reveal gaps in knowledge or a lack of understanding. Student demonstrates a basic ability to write clearly and coherently but depends too much on copying or fails to combine information/ideas. Makes too few connections between news and related topics. Might also struggle to support claims or ask questions. Accurately explains the main idea of the article and includes the right amount of appropriate, interesting, or necessary details in their report. AND Student demonstrates a proficient ability to write clearly and coherently by re-stating information, paraphrasing, quoting, and combining information. Relates several ideas from news to their own life or community or to a larger problem or issue. Makes claims or asks questions. Any combination of the tasks below might demonstrate Advanced Mastery if done well. Evaluates source and bias. Compiles list of related articles and identifies each clearly. Makes sure the reader is well-informed about the subject of the news report by explaining several key ideas. Compiles list of related articles and annotates proficiently. Makes several claims and goes above and beyond to support them with evidence/reasoning. Asks several meaningful questions and goes above and beyond to answer them.