MR. WRIGHT Once extinguished a fire with a gallon of gasoline. AP GOV TEST #5 REVIEW MR. WRIGHT Once extinguished a fire with a gallon of gasoline.
POTPOURRI MUHAHAHA!!! VOCAB RED TAPE FORNPO 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
elections, political parties, interest groups, and the media Three different linkage institutions: GO!
SIGs, LEG BRANCH, BUREAUCRACY Three parts of the iron triangle.
ELITES AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC Generally-speaking, a major cleavage in public opinion over foreign policy is between these two groups.
MEDICARE, SOCIAL SECURITY These two entitlements comprise nearly two-thirds of the federal budget.
LOG ROLLING If you vote in favor of this appropriation, I can get the pro-life caucus to vote for your health care program.
ISSUE NETWORK In order to ensure bipartisan support for an initiative, the White House might consult one of these that includes lawyers, consultants, and academics.
OVERSIGHT The power of Congress to ensure that the Internal Revenue Service is acting in an ethical manner.
PORK BARREL SPENDING A not necessarily necessary but Specific appropriation for a specific constituency is known as…
MEANS TESTED DAILY DOUBLE Whether or not you qualify for benefits under this type of program often depends upon your income level.
POTUS,VP, Secretaries of State and Defense usually includes the director of the CIA, chair of Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Attorney General Three members of the national security council…
RULE OF PROPINQUITY You’d think that according to this, Melania would have more influence over the Donald, but she only sees him once, or twice per-week.
MONETARY POLICY Inflation a problem? Just print another $500 billion in twenties and dump them on the fire.
DISCRETIONARY AUTHORITY DAILY DOUBLE When exercising this power, bureaucrats risk violating the separation of powers, even if congress leaves the law open to interpretation.
It’s like a treaty, but it doesn’t require senate approval. EXECUTIVE AGREEMENT It’s like a treaty, but it doesn’t require senate approval.
They would put people out of work/Bad PR/Lobbying BIG TICKET ITEMS, BASES They would put people out of work/Bad PR/Lobbying One of the two LEAST likely elements of defense spending to be cut, and why?
APPROPRIATION The official term for money to spend on a specific program-not an earmark.
INDEPENDENT REGULATORY COMMISSIONS Their primary jurisdiction is regulating various economic sectors.
MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX One of the most powerful iron triangles, it includes military commanders, the Department of Defense, and defense contractors.
SCOTUS The body whose foreign policy powers include the ability to make the ultimate determination as to whether or not a treaty is applicable.
FBI House Democrats have demanded an investigation into a potential obstruction of justice charge after President Trump fired this bureaucratic agency’s director.