First there were others, Like Egypt and Greece. But Rome was the best, WE ARE THE CONQUERORS First there were others, Like Egypt and Greece. But Rome was the best, in Europe, at least. In Roman times, We sure had a ball, We’ve invaded all over the place, like Hispania and Gaul!! Romans, Romans, Romans!
We are the conquerors, the best! The legions of our Empire beat the rest, We are the conquerors, we are the conquerors, No time for losers, cause we are the conquerors…of the world!
Solo: I’m Julius Caesar, From Roman times, I was murdered on the Ides of March, But committed no crime, Okay, some mistakes, I made while alive, Like trying to conquer Britannia in BC five, five! All: Veni, vidi, didn’t vici!
We are the conquerors, my friends, Romans and countrymen And we’ll keep on fighting, ’til the end, No one will beat us! Barbarians are cheaters! No time for losers, cause we are the conquerors… of the world!