IPEDS Outcome Measures and the VFA
History Student Right to Know – (SRK) – passed in 1990 – final regulations 1999 Colleges required to calculate and disclose Completion or Graduation rates of First-time Full-time students IPEDS initially collected to assist colleges—reporting not originally required in statute or regulations Higher Education Act reauthorization (HEOA-2002) added: required reporting of 100% and 200% normal time graduation rates Disaggregation by aid status Recipients of a Federal Pell Grant Recipients of a subsidized Stafford Loan who did not receive a Pell Grant Students who did not receive either a Pell Grant or a subsidized Stafford Loan Outcome Measures introduced (no statutory requirement) 2015 first collection year 2015 data not released (NCES concerns with reporting errors) 2017 modified collection
Baccalaureate degree (if applicable) VFA 6-year Outcomes Baccalaureate degree (if applicable) Associate Degree Subsequent Transfer No transfer Certificate No Transfer No Award Still Enrolled Left 30 or more Credits Left Fewer than 30 Credits All entering Students (VFA Main Cohort Credential Seeking Students First-time in College Cohort Disaggregation Full-time/Part-time Pell status Race/ethnicity Age Gender College Ready
Baccalaureate degree (if applicable) IPEDS 8-year Outcomes Baccalaureate degree (if applicable) Associate Degree Subsequent Transfer No transfer Certificate No Transfer No Award Still Enrolled Left 30 or more Credits Left Fewer than 30 Credits All entering Students (VFA Main Cohort Credential Seeking Students First-time in College Cohort Credential Seeking Students First-time, Full-time First-time, Part-time Non First-time, Full-time Non First-time, Part-time Disaggregation Full-time/Part-time Pell status Race/ethnicity Age Gender College Ready Both in a single category
Other Differences Starting this year IPEDS OM cohorts will be full-year, not fall IPEDS OM collects Completions (no transfer or still enrolled status) at: 6 years 4 years VFA collects outcomes at 2 years Completed Transferred Still enrolled VFA Collects progress measures – IPEDS only collects Fall-to-Fall retention for first time, full time
Eight-year Outcomes, Public Community Colleges (includes Baccalaureate Granting community colleges) Cohort Type (Fall 2008) Adjusted Cohort 2008 Earned award (degree/certificate) Still enrolled at your institution Transferred (no award) No award, no transfer, status unknown Number Rate Full-time, first-time 759,894 256,293 33.7% 15,611 2.1% 222,343 29.3% 265,647 35.0% Part-time, first-time 467,583 79,446 17.0% 12,482 2.7% 146,928 31.4% 228,727 48.9% Full-time, non-first-time 235,877 87,952 37.3% 2,913 1.2% 77,174 32.7% 67,838 28.8% Part-time, non-first-time 359,997 75,656 21.0% 5,550 1.5% 150,518 41.8% 128,273 35.6% Total Entering Students 1,823,351 499,347 27.4% 36,556 2.0% 596,963 690,485 37.9% Source: AACC analysis of IPEDS Outcomes Measures data file.
Public Community College Outcome distribution Percent of adjusted cohort receiving an award at 6 years Percent of adjusted cohort receiving an award at 8 years Percent of adjusted cohort still or subsequently enrolled at 8 years Percent of adjusted cohort still enrolled at your institution at 8 years Percent of adjusted cohort enrolled subsequently at another institution at 8 years Percent of adjusted cohort whose subsequent enrollment status is unknown at 8 years Full-time, first-time Mean 32% 34% 28% 2% 26% 37% 10th %ile 19% 21% 7% 0% 5% 12% 25th %ile 24% 17% 1% 15% 27% Median 33% 75th %ile 39% 41% 38% 36% 49% 90th %ile 47% 3% 60% Part-time, first-time 18% 20% 25% 53% 8% 11% 13% 14% 42% 22% 64% 4% 50% 76% Full-time, non-first-time 31% 30% 6% 16% 35% 29% 44% 43% 40% 62% 61% 59% 57% Part-time, non-first-time 9% 10% 46% 65%
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