I’m doing a project; how do I know if I need to go through the IRB? Are you doing research? Yes No Does it involve human subjects? You do not need to submit an IRB application. Yes No You need to submit an IRB application.
I need to obtain IRB approval. What do I do next? Have you completed your NIH training within the last two years? Yes No Are you a student? Go to hhttp://phrp.nihtraining.com/users/login.php to take your NIH training. Once you have an NIH completion number, you can proceed. Yes No Do you have a faculty supervisor? No Yes Go to the IRB page under MyPark, click on “Resources,” and then the “Institutional Review Board” link. Select “IRB application” on left tool bar and complete application. Please review “Forms” including Informed Consent Checklist. Questions? Contact IRBchair@park.edu Find a faculty supervisor, then proceed.
The IRB Review Process at a Glance IRB application and supporting documents are received Applicant may submit revised application Chair determines review category Exempt Expedited Full Board Notice of exemption is sent to applicant Designated member approves proposal; notice of approval sent Designated member does not approve proposal; notice of Full Board Review sent IRB reviews proposal at meeting, votes to approve, notification is sent to applicant IRB reviews proposal at meeting, votes to disapprove, notification is sent to applicant Research may begin