This day was made by the Lord; we rejoice and are glad! Please refer to the Easter Pack notes given out at the March Cluster Group meetings. Please feel free to adapt and modify to suit your school. Blank background slides have been left at the end of the PowerPoint for you to use. Please delete them before using this Liturgy.
The Easter Octave… where each day is Easter Day
We Gather The Easter Octave… Thursday
We Gather This week we have listened to two accounts of the Resurrection of Jesus. Mary Magdalene and the two disciples are among the first witnesses of the Risen Christ.
We Gather Last September Pope Benedict beatified Cardinal John Henry Newman. Throughout his life he was a witness to Christ.
We Gather This Sunday, in Rome, Pope Benedict will beatify another great witness: Pope John Paul II.
We Gather We welcome the Word of God with our song of joy: Alleluia!
We Listen Luke 24:35-48 Listen carefully to the Word of God. What does Jesus say to the disciples about being a witness?
“You are witnesses of these things.” What does it mean to be a witness?
Famous witnesses from the past clockwise from top left: Our Lady, St Paul, St. Peter, St. Therese, Pope John Paul, Blessed Mother Teresa.
Famous witnesses from the present clockwise from top left: Pope Benedict, Deacon Jack Sullivan, Archbishop Longley, Andy Akinwolere, CJM Mike Stanley & Jo Boyce, The Queen
Witnesses from the present clockwise from top left: St. Paul’s girls school Lourdes volunteers, Ash Wednesday, Cofton Park, Good Friday walk of witness, children at Alton Castle
Witnesses from our community
Do something great with your lives. If you listen to the Word in silence, in prayer… then you will meet Christ and follow him. Do something great with your lives. Have no fear of entrusting yourselves to him! He will guide you, he will grant you the strength to follow him every day and in every situation.
Do not be afraid