The Times They are-a-Changin’ Unit 2: Modern China
China and the super powers Sino-Soviet relations deteriorate in 1960s. Relations with the US since 1949 Secret talks begin 1971 Nixon visits 1972 United against USSR Normal relations by 1976
Pragmatists in power Deng Xiaoping new premier CCP Four modernizations “Black cat, white cat, who cares…” Four modernizations Agriculture Industry Science and tech Defense Build relations with West Make consumer goods, not just heavy industry
The 5th modernization: Wei Jingsheng
Tiananmen Square protests Economic freedom grows. People want political freedom too. Cronyism and corruption in government Tiananmen Square protests begin April 1989 More civil liberties Working conditions career opportunities
Free markets, not free people Protests crushed June 1989 Hundreds killed. Thousands wounded Gov. hunts down leaders West condemned crackdown Banned arm sales to China But other sanctions were weak