Status of data from EMEP intensive period 2008/2009 Wenche Aas and Karl Espen Yttri
Objectives of the 2nd intensive measurement periods 17 Sep. – 15 Oct Objectives of the 2nd intensive measurement periods 17 Sep. – 15 Oct. 2008 and 25 Feb. – 26 Mar. 2009 These intensive measurements are part of the EMEP monitoring program, should be repeated every 3-5 years on different topics. The 2008/2009 one aimed to: Obtain a comprehensive dataset on chemical speciation of particulate matter with respect to its inorganic, mineral and carbonaceous content with daily/weekly (EMEP) or hourly (EUCAARI) time resolution Gas/particle phase distribution of inorganic nitrogen constituents Aerosol size distribution (EUCAARI/EUSAAR) Separation of the carbonaceous aerosol into primary vs. secondary biogenic vs. anthropogenic Attempts to quantify the aerosol water content (EUCAARI) Attempts to quantify the OC/OM ratio (EUCAARI) Vertical profiles (coordinate with EARLINET)
Measurement programme for the 18 sites:
Sites and programme 05.10.09
EMEP Intensive – The Carbonaceous Aerosol Aim: Source apportionment of the carbonaceous aerosol for Air-Quality, Climate, and Model Validation issues How: By the combined effort of thermal-optical analysis, 14C-analysis and analysis of organic tracers Why: numerous reasons including e.g.: constitutes a substantial part of the ambient aerosol affects radiative forcing contributes to adverse health effects poorly resolved sources
EMEP Intensive – cont. Lower Current knowledge about the carbonaceous aerosol in the European rural background environment mainly stems from: Lower Higher EMEP EC/OC campaign in 2002/2003 (EMEP intensive 2006/2007) CARBOSOL 2002 - 2004 Few EMEP sites with continuous monitoring Carbonaceous aerosol level in the European rural background environment - EMEP sites (Annual mean concentrations) (Yttri et al., 2007, ACP).
9 participating sites, situated in C, E, S, NW Europe. EMEP Intensives – cont. 9 participating sites, situated in C, E, S, NW Europe. 14C–analysis delayed due to unforseen issues (lab. renovation and AMS ”issues”) Status Best guess on receiving remaining results from 14C-analysis: June Paper in progress; to be submitted to ACP Special Issue
EMEP Intensives – cont. 4 sites in Norhtern Europe subject to extended sampling and chemical analysis Status: All chemical analysis finished Statistical analysis for source apportionment in progress Paper in progress; to be submitted to ACP Special Issue
Status of data reporting
Remaining reporting Hourly AMS/MARGA/SJAC for 2008 and 2009. EUCAARI reporting 14C analysis. Reanalysis of some filters. Expected finished in June Carbonaceous matter and levoglucosan (and 14C) not centrally analyzed To be reported. Also a need to assess comparability Mineral dust. Not clear who has actually done any analysis Need some updated information on plans from i.e. IT, ES,DK,IE,GR, CH Inorganic (main components) 2009 data to be submitted with regular EMEP reporting Absorption, scattering and size distribution Part of EUSAAR reporting (similar deadlines as EMEP)
Publication plan Carbonaceous matter 2007/2008 intensive Overview paper from 2006/2007. Incl measurements and model Draft was circulated among a few and revised version will be distributed in June. Submission in august/sept AMS papers from 2006/2007 and 2008/2009 ref Eiko’s talk Carbonaceous matter 2007/2008 intensive EMEP data, to be finalized. Nordic study, to be finalized Size distribution, aerosol water etc Not aware of any publication plans, however this is in the hands of EUCAARI and EUSAAR 05.10.09
Summary Successful cooperation between EUSAAR/EUCAARI/EMEP I.e. Established reporting guidelines and QA/QC procedures for a range of new components for the EMEP Community EARLINET has however been little involved (yet) A range of papers from all the intensive periods are in the steps to be published Data availability through or contact CCC password protected for some of the non-regular EMEP data and newer data than 2008 Still not clear what the theme of next intensive periods should be, and when 05.10.09