HEALTHY SPORTS CLUBS A framework for sports clubs to create healthy change Alyce Hello everyone and welcome. We are from Monash Health, health promotion team. My name is Alyce and this is Cassandra and Christine Today we will be talking to you about an initiative for sports clubs called Healthy Sports Clubs Healthy Sports Clubs was developed by Monash Health, in partnership with Cardinia Shire Council, City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong Council. ©
WHAT IS HEALTHY SPORTS CLUBS? New initiative currently piloted in the City of Greater Dandenong, City of Casey and Cardinia Shire Local council support Implemented by Monash Health Assists clubs to create healthier club environments that promote good health and wellbeing Builds on existing health and wellbeing efforts and program (such as GoodSports) Easy to use framework and a suite of resources Alyce Healthy Sports Clubs is a new and exciting initiative being piloted only in the council areas of City of Greater Dandenong, City of Casey and Cardinia Shire. This program is supported by local council and is implemented by Monash Health, where you have the opportunity to work with health promotion practitioners who provide on the ground support and resources while working through the program. The purpose of the initiative it to support and assist sports clubs to create healthier club environment that promotes good health and wellbeing for the whole club community. You can also build on your existing health and wellbeing efforts and programs (such as GoodSports) through participating in Healthy Sports Clubs. We have a range of individual health areas that you can choose to work on which I will explain in more detail later. This means that you can tailor the initiative to suit your local club needs. The initiative uses a whole of club framework with easily achievable target areas which will also be explained in more detail later. Healthy Sports Clubs was developed by Monash Health, in partnership with Cardinia Shire Council, City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong Council. ©
WHY HEALTHY SPORTS CLUBS? Sports clubs leading the way in promoting physical activity Can influence the health and wellbeing of the whole club community Work at your own pace Recognition for being a Healthy Sports Club! Completely FREE! Alyce I am sure you are well aware that sports clubs are leading the way in getting people to be more active in your local community. This means you are actually in an ideal position to influence health and wellbeing in other areas as well. This initiative is flexible, as we understand that clubs are run by the amazing work of volunteers so you are free to work through actions for health areas at your own pace with no time limits. Once you have achieved all targets in your health area you will receive recognition for being a Healthy Sports Club. We have a sign that will be presented to you which you can place at the front door of your club or gate, and with each area you achieve you will also receive a sticker to place on the sign, recognising your hard work in each area. Participation in the initiative is completely free. Healthy Sports Clubs was developed by Monash Health, in partnership with Cardinia Shire Council, City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong Council. ©
CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT CYCLE Christine This is our continuous improvement cycle framework for Healthy Sport Clubs. The outside green area represents how we are not working in silo, but working as a collective – with community health, local government and peak bodies and state sporting associations. The next layer in this diagram in light blue represents our whole of club approach, this means that all actions we implement will fall into one of these three areas: club connections- this involves officials, members, players, families and the wider who are all engaged to create a healthy club = we want to ensure everyone is aware of the initiative and working together. club culture – Leadership and policies support and create a health club culture = this involves creating a positive club culture through policies etc. club environment – The physical environment at your club promotes healthy behaviours = this is the physical part of the environment such as facilities and infrastructure. The next circle shows the four easy steps to follow to progress through Healthy Sports Clubs, beginning with commit to healthy change, create a game plan, initiate healthy change and finally celebrate your success. I will explain these in more detail in the couple of slides. At the centre of the circle are the health areas you can choose to work on. Healthy Sports Clubs was developed by Monash Health, in partnership with Cardinia Shire Council, City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong Council. ©
HEALTH AREAS HEALTHY FOOD & BEVERAGES (LEVEL 1-3) Healthy food and beverage options are provided at your club, making the healthy choice the easy choice. INCLUSION & MENTAL WELLNESS Under development. INJURY PREVENTION Injuries on and off the field are prevented. There is a culture of positive member, player and family conduct and procedures that ensure a safe club environment for all. ACTIVE RECREATION Unstructured / non competition physical activity opportunities are provided for the whole club community. SMOKE FREE CLUBS Current tobacco legislation and a smoke free club environment is upheld. Resources from QUIT Victoria support club officials, members, players, their families and the community. RESPONSIBLE ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Your club promotes and encourages responsible alcohol consumption through Good Sports. Christine There are currently five health areas that clubs can choose to work on: healthy food and beverages Active recreation Injury prevention Smoke free clubs Sun protection Other health areas available are responsible alcohol consumption which clubs can work on with support from Good Sports. The remaining health areas that we are still developing and are not currently available to work on are substance misuse, inclusion and mental wellness. We hope to have these developed and available soon. SUBSTANCE MISUSE Under development. SUN PROTECTION Sun exposure and heat illness at your club is limited through practical strategies and resources from SunSmart Victoria. Healthy Sports Clubs was developed by Monash Health, in partnership with Cardinia Shire Council, City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong Council. ©
STEPS STEP 1: Commit to healthy change STEP 3: Initiate heathy action It is important to gain the whole club’s support for sustainable healthy change. By gaining commitment, your club makes change together. To achieve this step: Register to Healthy Sports Clubs Inform the whole club of your participation STEP 1: Commit to healthy change Do what you as a club do best - put into action your game plan. To achieve this step: Complete actions from your game plan. Share the responsibility of actions across the club and get everyone involved in healthy changes Use the score cards to show how your club now successfully meets your chosen health area target. STEP 3: Initiate heathy action STEP 2: Create a game plan When planning healthy change, identify strengths as well as areas to build on. To achieve this step: Assess your club against the targets. Do this with your club to get multiple perspectives. Ask ‘What are we doing? What’s missing? What could we add value to? Select one or more health areas to focus on and create a game plan deciding how to achieve all targets in your chosen health area. Congratulations, you have made sustainable healthy changes—let’s celebrate. To achieve this step: Share and celebrate your achievements with your club. Make sure your achievements are well documented so when new committee members start, changes and your healthy commitment is continued STEP 4: Celebrate your success Christine As shown on the diagram in the previous slide these are the steps that clubs will follow for the initiative. Step 1: Commit to healthy change- for this step you will need to register to participate in Healthy Sports Clubs and inform your club that you will be participating through meetings, at training, newsletters and through social media. Step 2- Create a game plan- choose a health area to work on and we will support you to work through targets and create actions that you will need to achieve recognition. This involves assessing what you are currently doing in a health area, identifying any gaps and then proposing actions for your club to implement through a Game Plan. You can involve your club community in this including members and your committee. Step 3- Initiate healthy action- For this step all that is required is to put your game plan into action! Implement all of your actions, and once they are complete we will complete a Score Card together so your club can be successfully recognised for the health area. Step 4- Celebrate your success – Once you have achieved Recognition you can celebrate it with your club such as through social media, at an event or through a media release. This is when you will received your sign and sticker. After this step you can choose to work on another health area and go through all the steps again. Healthy Sports Clubs was developed by Monash Health, in partnership with Cardinia Shire Council, City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong Council. ©
CLUB EXAMPLE Cassandra This is a game plan for a Little Athletics club that has 400 club members who are currently progressing through Healthy Sports Clubs for the summer season. They had chosen to work on Sun Protection and have nearly completed all their actions. They have also already chosen what they are going to work on in the next winter season, which will be active recreation. We have supported the club to write the Game Plan, as well as provided them with resources to help them meet their actions outlined. We have met with the President only 3 times throughout the season. Briefly go through game plan
OUTCOMES One club has built a lasting community partnership with a local physio clinic Another club is being used as a positive example on a Councils social media page The initiative is helping another club to provide healthy choices to schools that hire their venue Cassandra One of the clubs we are working with has engaged and built a community partnership with a local physio clinic. They will now receive free workshops, resources and incentives for their players moving forward. Another club is doing such positive work in the health and wellbeing space, that they are used by a Council as a positive example on social media pages. Healthy Sports Clubs is helping another club provide healthy choices in their canteen, to not only their club community but also the wider community, when schools hire their facilities during the year. Previously they had people complain that the food wasn’t to the same healthy standard as schools canteens. Healthy Sports Clubs was developed by Monash Health, in partnership with Cardinia Shire Council, City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong Council. ©
QUESTIONS? DISCUSSION What health areas are your club currently doing really well in? Examples of healthy actions being implemented? What health areas do you believe your club needs to work on? What actions could your club do to improve health and wellbeing for your community? Healthy Sports Clubs was developed by Monash Health, in partnership with Cardinia Shire Council, City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong Council. ©