Preface & Introduction
Textbook Objectives provide an introductory, yet in-depth examination and critical analysis of OC and its control in Canada help students understand the complex nature of OC & its varied treatment in academic literature, popular culture, & government enforcement policies & programs challenge students to view OC as the product of broader forces within & outside of Canada & how it is embedded in, reflective of, and symbiotic with Canadian society help students determine if there is a distinctively Canadian OC, which is distinguishable from that of other countries encourage & nurture students’ ability to critically analyze the topic of OC & its control
Sources Scholarly books & articles News media Archives criminology, sociology, economics, history, political science, public administration, psychology, & criminal law News media Archives Government reports Law enforcement reports
What constitutes OC? Students must determine for themselves what constitutes organized crime and what does not: Street/youth gangs? Corporate crime? State crime? Terrorist groups?
Ethnicity & the Organization of Criminal Offenders This textbook does depict ethnicity & nationality as a binding force for organized criminal associations Yet this is very controversial Ethnicity & nationality may not be the most important factors in determining the ties that bind offenders Other factors may be more important Many OC groups and networks in Canada are “inter-ethnic” There is no causal relationship between ethnicity/nationality & organized criminality All ethnic groups & nationalities are represented by (organized) criminal offenders in Canada
Textbook Outline Part I: INTRODUCTION TO OC IN CANADA: A HISTORICAL, EMPIRICAL, AND THEORETICAL OVERVIEW Chapter 1: A Brief History of Organized Crime in Canada Chapter 2: Defining and Conceptualizing Organized Crime Chapter 3: Describing Organized Crime: Identifying and Classifying Dominant Characteristics Chapter 4: Theories of Organized Crime
Textbook Outline Part II: ORGANIZED CRIME GENRES Chapter 5: Italian Organized Crime Chapter 6: Chinese Organized Crime Chapter 7: English- and French-Canadian Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs Chapter 8: Other Organized Crime Genres in Canada
Textbook Outline Part III: ORGANIZED CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES Chapter 9: Predatory Crimes Chapter 10: Consensual Crimes Chapter 11: Drug Trafficking
Textbook Outline Part IV: CONTROLLING ORGANIZED CRIME Chapter 12: Organized Crime Control in Theory: Theoretical Overview, Concepts, Objectives, and Strategies Chapter 13: Organized Crime Control in Practice: Criminal Law and Enforcement Agencies in Canada CONCLUSION: IS THERE A DISTINCTIVELY CANADIAN VERSION OF ORGANIZED CRIME?
Online Supplemental Materials Additional chapters Links to other web pages and videos Bibliographies Recent news media stories on organized crime in Canada Supplemental Instructor resources (PowerPoint slides, assignments, exam questions)