Paulding County School District Stakeholders Meeting July 17, 2017 PCSD 02/2015
Agenda Welcome! Cassandra Dobbs– Director of Title I CLIP/Comprehensive Needs Assessment Katie Anderson– Fine Arts Coordinator Fine Arts Spotlight
Thank you to Mr. Greg Perry for providing refreshments for our meeting! PCSD 02/2015
CLIP The CLIP is required for all school districts. It is a Comprehensive Local Improvement Plan based upon multiple data sources regarding district goals for the year and how resources will be coordinated to meet the identified needs of the school district. It compliments our strategic plan and serves as a blueprint for the district’s efforts toward meeting student achievement objectives and targets. Thanks again for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in tonight’s stakeholders meeting!! Your commitment to the success of all students within our district is to be commended. I will be brief in sharing updates on our CLIP process. I will begin with just a reminder of what is the CLIP. PCSD 02/2015
5 Components of the CLIP District Comprehensive Needs Assessment Parent and Family Engagement Policy District Improvement Plan Foster Care Transportation Plan Title I, Part C- ID & R Plan – Identification and Recruitment Plan for Migrant Students PCSD 02/2015
Stakeholders Meetings April 12, 2017 - PCSD Data Discussion Day (21 participants) May 1, 2017 – PCSD Stakeholders Meeting (36 participants) May 8, 2017 – Annual Title I Spring Planning Parent Meeting (31 participants) May 16, 2017- Foster Care Transportation Collaborative Meeting (11 participants) Total Stakeholders Involved in the FY18 CLIP Process – 99 Participants!! PCSD 02/2015
Data Trends for the PCSD Strengths Next Steps Provide consistent guidance to schools with strategies, interventions and resources to support student success Continue to build staff capacity by providing job embedded professional learning opportunities to district and school leaders as well as teachers and support staff We provide multiple communication platforms to parents – (phone, email, text messages, app, website, newsletters, conferences, etc.) Continue to provide professional learning communities to engage staff in effective data analysis and ways to determine root causes as it relates to meeting the diverse needs of our students Strengthen our communication with parents by developing customer service training for all employees Continue to explore effective research based strategies to meet the diverse academic needs of all students PCSD 02/2015
District Improvement Goals for CLIP During the 2017-2018, the PCSD will increase the percent of students scoring proficient or distinguished in Math from 41% to 42% and Science from 39%-40% on Georgia Milestones. During the 2017-2018, the PCSD will increase the following percent of students in subgroups (SWD-3%, EL-2%, ED-1%) scoring proficient or distinguished on the Milestone in ELA During the 2017-2018, the PCSD will increase the percent of students scoring proficient or distinguished in ELA from 41% to 42% and Social Studies from 40% to 41% on Georgia Milestones. PCSD 02/2015
Timeline for Submission July 13 – 26, 2017 CLIP Revisions and Final Review at District Level July 28, 2017 CLIP Submission to DOE August 1-4, 2017 GaDOE Cross- Divisional Team Review of all CLIP Components August 14, 2017 Deadline to submit revision requests to DOE PCSD 02/2015
Upcoming Stakeholder Meetings: October 23, 2017 February 5, 2018 April 30, 2018 All meetings take place at 6:30 pm at the Board of Education. We look forward to seeing you!
Thank you for coming! We appreciate you! Please complete your feedback form before leaving….thank you! PCSD 02/2015