Trials and Tribulations Low Code Development Trials and Tribulations
What is low code?
Hiring Consulting Process Improvement Influences
This feeling…
Interview Results This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Traditional development….
How that applies to low code…
The accumulating cost of support This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Goal #1 Tiered Support 1st point of contact is the data owner 2nd level – Service Desk 3rd level – Developer Goal #1 Tiered Support
Goal #2 Reduce interruptions and drain on development time Build sites, don’t work on them Capture technical debt Document WHY Value
All of this can be reference later….
What counts as a project?
Things to think about Who is the audience What do we need to document? Technical Debt Value! Obstacles Things to think about
What’s the plan?
Result - Project List
For each work request For large projects, you have a couple of options… you can enter user each user story. Or you can attach documentation. Title Requestor(s)/Contact(s) What problem are we trying to solve? Technical Notes: Not the obvious stuff. What do you need to know about this request in the future? If you hire a consultant, what do they need to know about this change? Sizing: Consider time, complexity and risk. Mini Minor Major Obstacle Value: UX, Critical to Process, Compliance/Security Requirement, Efficiency Savings, Technical Debt… and perhaps a “none” option. People ask for things that provide little or no value, which is fine if it is easy, but a consideration if it extends the complexity of the solution. Be deliberate. Status: Requested/Hold (discussed, but not promised or on the backlog) Backlog (things that are definitely happening) In Progress Complete Closed – See notes (removed without action because <xxx> ) New Project? Yes or No Date Closed/Complete Attachments for new or complex requests. Project (Parent item) Value/Obstacles/Technical debt
For the Service Desk