Aim: Understanding The Concept of The Messiah
Messiah Great leader the ancient Jews predicted would come to restore greatness of Israel. Jews did not know who this person was Jesus is believed by some to be Messiah Jesus Life and teachings become basis for religion called Christianity. All we know about him is in the Bible 2
The Christian Bible Made up of 2 parts The New Testament 1) Old Testament- Hebrew Bible 2) New Testament- Life of Jesus The New Testament Talks about Jesus’s life and Message Crucifixion- Jesus’s execution Resurrection- Jesus’s rise from the dead 3
Why was Jesus called the Messiah? According to belief Jesus rose from the dead (Resurrection) Appeared to his Disciples- Followers Jesus stayed with disciples for 40 days and taught them how to teach others Early Christians believe Resurrection was sign that Jesus was Messiah He was the son of God People began calling him Christ Greek word for Messiah is Christos 4