Principles of Government Man is by nature a political animal; it is his nature to live in a state. Aristotle (335 B.C.)
I. What is Government? Government - The institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies Power (3 Branches) “Montesquieu” -Legislative, executive and judicial powers A. State - describes the legal entity of a political unit or community Nation - ethnic (ex. Nation of Islam) Country - geographic place
A political community Nation Country State District
An independent state or country Nation State Country District
II. Characteristic of a state (independent political unit) A. A State Needs: [4 Essential Aspects] 1. Population - large or small must be inhabited 2. Territory - must have land with known and recognized borders 3. Sovereignty - political authority to act independently, neither subordinate nor responsible to any other authority 4. Government - the mechanism through which a state makes and enforces its policies
The term meaning a state has supreme and absolute authority within its territorial borders Consensus Sovereignty Social Contract Democracy
III. Why is Government Necessary? A. Necessary for order and harmony 1. Provide education 2. Guard public health, protect consumers 3. Protect the environment 4. Pave streets, regulate traffic 5. Punish criminals, respond to fires 6. Care for elderly, poor B. Peace and security 1. Protect against terrorist attacks and other threats from abroad
What is NOT a tasks of government? Provide national security Pave Roads Provide Education Impose unjust laws
IV. Origins of the State A. 4 Theories: 1. Force Theory - individual or group claimed a territory and forced the population to submit 2. Evolutionary Theory - population formed out of primitive families and the heads of families became the government 3. Divine Right - God created the state and chose those who rule territory 4. Social Contract Theory – People place their trust in a government, and expect that gov. to look after their interests.