Know the following characters (physically, professionally, relationally) and symbols: Jay Gatsby Nick Carraway Daisy Buchanan Tom Buchanan Jordan Baker Myrtle Wilson George Wilson Michaelis Wolfsheim Klipspringer Billboard eyes Valley of Ashes Green light Owl Eyes Daisy
Setting The novel takes place when? Daisy’s hometown is where? The valley of ashes is the home to whom?
Major Plot Points Ways Gatsby tries to impress Daisy (throws parties, dresses nice, and shows off his place and stuff) What Owl Eyes discovers in Gatsby’s library Daisy and Gatsby’s past and who/what gets in the way of their being together The many misunderstandings (Myrtle thinking Jordan was Daisy, Myrtle thinking Tom was driving the yellow car, George thinking Gatsby killed Myrtle, etc.) How George Wilson finds out who owned the yellow car Why no one comes to Gatsby’s funeral Why Nick returns to the West at the end