What affect do we have on our ever changing world? Have this open when students walk in. Have them sit down and open their notebooks to page 68.
WALL-E (discuss these questions with your group be prepared to share out) What human activities might contribute to us progressing toward the Earth depicted in the movie? Why is the plant significant? What did the rocket pass through (break through) on its exit from Earth’s orbit? Give time for students to discuss in groups then. Use the deck of cards to call on different groups. Have someone from that group answer the question. Pick a different group for each question. Then ask for volunteers to add anything to the conversation.
WALL-E (discuss these questions with your group be prepared to share out) What do you notice about the humans? How are they different in the 22nd century? What do kids, teens and many adults spend much of their time doing? Not doing? How has this affected the activities which they engage in? Are we more removed from the natural world? Repeat same things with this set of questions: Give time for students to discuss in groups then. Use the deck of cards to call on different groups. Have someone from that group answer the question. Pick a different group for each question. Then ask for volunteers to add anything to the conversation.
Wall-E discussion Pg. 68L/R Copy and answer these questions on page 68R and answer them on pg 68L: Is has been said that “it is relationships that make us fully human”. What evidence from the movie supports this statement? Do you agree or disagree why? Do you think this movie is an accurate depiction of Earth’s future if we continue on our current path? Why or Why not? Have them title page 68L/R Wall E Discussion. Then they should quietly copy and answer these questions in their notebooks on page 68L/R
In what ways have humans impacted the earth? Pg 69R By yourself without talking brainstorm on page 69R ways humans have impacted the earth? Be specific, give detail, give examples Have students title page 69R In what ways have humans impacted the earth? Quietly have them brainstorm on 69R
In what ways have humans impacted the earth? Pg 69R Now share your ideas with your group. Add others ideas you like to your list. Be prepared to share with the class. Allow them time to discuss walk around and soon as you notice other conversations happening move on to next slide.
In what ways have humans impacted the earth? Pg 69R Class brainstorm Continue to add ideas to your list that you are missing. Use the cards again to call on groups to share out ideas. Can write list on board.
Include: at least 4 images and 4 colors (really put effort into this) Human Impact Page 67L Your homework is to create a title page for this unit. On page 67L Title: Human Impact Include: at least 4 images and 4 colors (really put effort into this) Can be one large image with multiple images within. Have students take out time trackers and write down their homework. They should not put their notebooks away.
Nature is speaking pg. 69L Watch the Nature is Speaking by Conservation International videos and as you watch take notes about how each part of nature is changing due to human impact on pg 69L. Read slide and have them title page 69L Nature is Speaking then play the videos by clicking on the blue Nature is speaking by Conservation link. Let them play until the end of the period.