Tasks completed this period Tasks in focus next period Delivery element: Specialist Home-Start Team Leader: Caren Stone Report Period start Schedule Milestones Risk Assessment Issues Overall Delivery Report Period end 2.1.18 G A Progress Summary Aims and Objectives continuing to support for 4 clients previously signed up for them to fully access the project To get participant to be able to access project on their own after initial support to access routeways. To sign up/engagement/initial assessment participants To deliver intensive support to those participants who would find it hard to access MWP independently. Support/encourage participants to access all areas of project. Risk / Issue in focus Impact Action Status Tasks completed this period Baseline Actual one client is proving hard to keep contact with, wasn’t in for appointment but then called when bailiffs came round Now crises control instead of planned work with CALS and then financial team To hopefully get client to engage with project fully. 2 new clients signed up. It has been difficult working out whether a particular client can start project due to her complex situation, would be some time before she progressed to other parts of project after financial. Sought advice from Terry, Nadine and Kelly. Have signed client up. Issue: Tasks in focus next period Targets Target Sign up 1-2 clients in the Feb/March To sign up 10 participants and follow them through the entire project 10 in the year 6 To identify 2 more clients to sign up
RAG DEFINITION ACTION RED One or more aspects of project viability — time, cost, scope or benefits will not be delivered unless action is taken. No current plan is in place to mitigate the issue. The project requires corrective action to meet Programme objectives. ESCALATE The matter should be escalated to the Exec Sponsor and Project Board immediately. Path from Red to Green: Mitigating actions must be recommended and implemented. AMBER One or more aspect of project viability — time, cost, scope or benefits is at risk of not being delivered. However, a plan is in place to mitigate any deviation from the plan. INFORM The Programme Board should be informed using a progress report with a scheduled briefing with the Programme Manager and or Exec Sponsor to take place. Path from Amber to Green: Any mitigating actions must be recommended and implemented. GREEN The project is performing to plan with no issues known that could effect the project viability in terms of time, cost, scope or benefits. IGNORE For information ONLY. No Action required. ARROW DEFINITION The RAG status has declined to a lower status (Green to Amber or Amber to Red) from the previous reporting period. The RAG status has Improved to a higher status (Red to Amber or Amber to Green) from the previous reporting period. The RAG Status has remained at the same status from the previous reporting period