STUART LITTLE NAME : B Data sources: Yahoo on-line dictionary Macmillan English dictionary
Text: p.6 But the truth was the drain had made him very slimy, and it was necessary for him to take a bath and sprinkle himself with a bit of his mothers violet water before he felt himself again.
Slimy adj. Covered with a thick wet unpleasant substance. ex :I throw away my slimy shoes. Slime noun. A thick,wet,unpleasant substance that covers something.
Text : p.6 Everybody in the family thought he had been awfully good about the whole thing.
Awfully adv. Used for emphasizing what you are saying ; ex :Youre awfully nice to me. Awful adj. Used for emphasizing how unpleasant someone or something.,, ;
Text : p.7 The Littles liked Ping-pong, but the balls had a way of rolling under chairs, sofas, and radiators, and this meant that the players were forever stooping down and reaching under things.
Stooping stoop Stoop: verb. To bend the top half of your body downward., [(+down)] ex : He has to stoop to get through the tunnel. noun. A way of standing or walking with your head and shoulder bent forward and downward., ; stooping adj. standing or walking with your head and shoulder bent forward and downward. ( )
Text : p.7 Stuart soon learned to chase balls, and it was a great sight to see him come out from under a hot radiator, pushing a Ping-pong ball with all his might, the perspiration rolling down his cheeks.
Perspiration n. Liquid that your skin produces when you are hot, sick, or nervous., ex : There were beads of perspiration on his upper lip. Perspire verb. To produce liquid on your skin as a result of being hot, sick, nervous. ( ),