How do the parts of a plant help it meet it’s needs? Chapter 1 – Investigation 2 9/28/10
Roots Underground foundation of a plant Anchor the plant in the ground Absorb water and minerals and transport them to other parts of the plant In some plants they store food (ex. Carrots/Beets) 2 Different Types of Roots Taproot = one main root Fibrous = branching roots
Parts of a Roots Xylem Tissue – Carry water and minerals UP from the soil to the stem Phloem Tissue – Carry nutrients DOWN from the stem, towards the roots Root Hairs – Take in Water and Minerals Root Cap – Pushes the root through the soil
Stems Connects the roots and the leaves Supports the leaves and the flowers Xylem and Phloem tissues continue in stem and transport materials to the leaves 2 Types of Stems Woody (tree trunk) Non-Woody (flowers)
Leaves Grows out of the stem Food-making factory of the plant – where “photosynthesis” occurs Trap the sunlight’s energy Absorbs Carbon Dioxide 2 Types of Leaves Broad Leaved Needle Leaved
Parts of a Leaf Blade – flat part of the leaf which is exposed to the sun Veins – Where water enters the leaves Petiole – Transport system (extension of the Xylem and Phloem tissues)
Photosynthesis Process in which plants produce their own food using sunlight (as energy), carbon dioxide, and water “photo” – light “synthesis” – joining together Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in tiny cell structures called chloroplasts Chlorophyll uses the sun light’s energy to change carbon dioxide and water into food (glucose). Waste product - oxygen
Photosyntheis (2) Plants use the energy in glucose to grow, produce seeds and carry out life functions The process of using oxygen to release this energy in food (glucose) is called Cell Respiration Plants store extra food in the form of starch
Plant Responses Tropism – a plant response to conditions in the environment 3 Types “Geo-tropic” – roots respond to gravity by growing towards the center of the Earth “Photo-tropic” – Leaves/Stems grow or bend towards the light “Hydro-tropic” – Roots in the soil grow towards water or wet areas