Trinity Mexico Boring Bar Repair Report CM&ES BAR #18002
Initial Bar Inspection Upon Receipt Trinity Mexico Visual Inspection Results: WB90 Boring Mill -physically bar appears in good shape Automatic Boring Bar #18002 - drive gear teeth stretched / spins and Repair (questionable if warranty) cogs / not smooth / flange ok Received 6/11/18 Note: last rebuild of this bar 1/22/18 (COMPLETE only shell reused)
* Flange Removal Procedure : Verified stepper / servo mount (OK) Checked Pilot size (OK) Checked key depth (ok ) Checked Flange (good) Removed bolts Removed Flange Sent flange for inspection
Internal Inspection Bearing block on Rougher (bulged) Bearings on Rougher (crunchy /crashed) Bearing block on Finisher (fair) Bearings on Finisher( ok) Bearing block on Chamfer (ok) Bearings on Chamfer (ok) Rougher Screw (.016 run out) Threads (show no wear on ends) Finisher Screw (.005 run out) Threads (show no wear on ends ) Chamfer Screw (.0.01 runout) Threads (show no wear on end)
Internal Inspection Continued Drive Gear / Drive Gear Pin (strained) Drive Shaft (badly bent ) .243 runout Drive Shaft Bearing Spacer: Rough (fair) Finish (ok) Chamfer (ok) Worm Gears / Worm Gear Pin: Rough (strained) Finish (ok) Chamfer (ok) Drive Shaft Bearings: Rough (fair) Drive Shaft Bearing Block Rough (ok)
Rebuild All Tool Pockets checked and good New Components Installed: - Top Half Drive shaft Drive Worms Drive Shaft Spacers Drive Shaft Bearings Drive Shaft Bearing Blocks Drive Shaft Gear -Bottom Half Rougher Bearing Block Tool Adjusting Screws Drive Gears Bearings Bearing Spacers Greased / re-assembled / Flange seated
Completion 06/15/18 Flange Re-trued in lathe Cleaned / polished OD of bar Installed new Nylock Gib Adjusting Screws Test Tooling installed and run Greased Drive Gear / and lightly greased OD of Bar Packed Tool Pockets and Drive Gear pilot with paper for shipping Set on Pallet and Ready for shipment Determination of Non-warranty: bar had all new components when rebuilt 1/22/18 - the driveshaft was bent and gears strained Damage of this type could possibly be from: incorrect loading of tools servo current set too high and bottoming 1 tool while loading moving tools out while in bore of wheel