Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Breakfast Club 7.30- 8.15am Mrs Hall Seal Development (invitation only) G21 Retro Video Games Mr Mead G23 Catch up Club (invitation Only) Mrs Darling Tea and Talk Mrs Head Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Help set up and pack away activity = 1 positive stamp in your planner Bring a friend = 1 positive stamp in your planner
Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner KS4 Art Club Mrs Stewart 202 2.30pm-3:30pm KS3 Art Club Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Help set up and pack away activity = 1 positive stamp in your planner Bring a friend = 1 positive stamp in your planner
Business Intervention CIDA Enhancement Mr Hazel G20 2.30 – 3.30 Business Intervention Mrs Naylor 106 Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Help set up and pack away activity = 1 positive stamp in your planner Bring a friend = 1 positive stamp in your planner
Independent Learning Club LRC 2.30pm – 3.30pm Legomania Mrs. Benham English Skills Master Class 2.30pm – 3.30pm English Classrooms Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Help set up and pack away activity = 1 positive stamp in your planner Bring a friend = 1 positive stamp in your planner
Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner History Intervention Y11 Miss Potts 103 2.30pm – 3.30pm GCSE RE Intervention Miss K Wilson 101 Geography Intervention KS4 Mrs Rhodes 104 History Intervention Y9 KS3 RE Independent Learning HSC Intervention KS5 Ms Sanderson 117 Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Help set up and pack away activity = 1 positive stamp in your planner Bring a friend = 1 positive stamp in your planner
Independent Learning Room 221 2.30pm – 3.30pm Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Help set up and pack away activity = 1 positive stamp in your planner Bring a friend = 1 positive stamp in your planner
French & Spanish Intervention Higher level GCSE Spanish Skills Mrs McKernan 108 2.30 -3.30pm French & Spanish Intervention Mr S Cox 109 2.30-3.30pm Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Help set up and pack away activity = 1 positive stamp in your planner Bring a friend = 1 positive stamp in your planner
Jan 7th-Feb 22nd Attending club = 1 stamp Boys Football (All Years) AstroTurf Mr Harvey Basketball Sports Hall Mr Cutler Trampolining Sports Hall Mr Harvey/Miss Norman Indoor Tennis Sports Hall Ryan & Carolyn Tennis Coaches Jan 7th-Feb 22nd Dodgeball Sports Hall Mr Harvey Netball Sports Hall Miss Norman Girls Football Sports Hall Mrs Wilson Fitness Suite Mr Harvey Unless stated all clubs are for EVERYONE and any year group. All you need is full PE kit and ready to have fun! Fitness Suite Mr Shattock Fitness Suite Mrs Lancaster and Miss Reed Fitness Suite Mrs Wilson Tchoukball Sports Hall Miss Norman Attending club = 1 stamp Helping to set up and pack away activity = 1 stamp Bring a friend = 1 stamp
Musical Legends Rehearsals Mrs Hastings 2.30-4pm D&D Studio Choir Mrs Mills & Mrs Southern 2.30pm – 3.30pm Jazz Band Mrs Mills & Mr Dunn-Birch 2.30pm – 4.00pm Junior Band 2.30pm – 3.15pm School of Rock Mrs. Hastings 3.30-4pm Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Help set up and pack away activity = 1 positive stamp in your planner Bring a friend = 1 positive stamp in your planner
Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Accelerated Science 2:30pm – 3:30pm Room 211 GCSE science Revision 2.30-3.30pm KS4 Teachers Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Help set up and pack away activity = 1 positive stamp in your planner Bring a friend = 1 positive stamp in your planner
Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Textiles Intervention 203 Mrs Lancaster 2:30-3:30pm RM and Hospitality Intervention 221 Miss Reed Technology Club G31 Mr Hird Starts 6.2.19 RM and Hosp Intervention G31 Miss Reed 2:30-3:30pm Yr10 & 11 Hospitality Intervention 221 Mrs Lancaster Attending 1 club = 1 positive stamp in your planner Help set up and pack away activity = 1 positive stamp in your planner Bring a friend = 1 positive stamp in your planner