Agenda 11/20 Vocabulary Terms and Practice – 10 minutes Begin reading Act I and completing notes – 15 minutes Character Activity – 50 minutes Homework: Finish reading Act I w/ notes homework – due on Tomorrow Vocabulary quiz tomorrow
Character Study INDIVIDUALLY: 10 minutes Complete reading comprehension questions on character. PAIRS: 5 minutes Go to the appropriate table (designated by character). Then, pair up with one student who had the same character and compare answers. If you have a different answer, come to an agreement. GROUPS: 30 minutes Pairs should then combine into groups of 4 to finished the character activity.
AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAPER, PLEASE LABEL WHO COMPLETED WHAT ROLE. Character Activity One the big paper, include the following… PERSON #1 Write the character’s name in huge letters at the top. On the right side, draw the character as you believe they look in the book. The image should portray both physical and personality characteristics. PERSON #2 Take the most significant quote said by your character from the reading comprehension. Write it in large lettering below their name. Make sure person 3&4 know which quote you picked. Scattered around the paper, write adjectives that describe the character. On the left side, paste down a reading comprehension quiz where you believe all of the answers are correct. PERSON #3 & 4 Work together to write a SPES. Below the quote, write a SPES explaining what the quote reveals about the character. You do not need to rewrite the quote; instead paraphrase the quote into your own words. AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAPER, PLEASE LABEL WHO COMPLETED WHAT ROLE.