Standard Sentence Toolkit 2 Standard Sentence Toolkit Question ? 1 Simple 1 verb . 2 Exclamation ! 3 Compound using “and” ------------and --------------- . 4 Compound using “but” ------------but --------------- . 5 Connective in the middle “after” ------- after -------------------- . 6 Connective at the start “after” After ------- -------------------- . 7 , Complex using “because” ------------- because -------------- . 8 9 Connective start “because” , . Because ------- --------------------
Standard Sentence Toolkit Question: What is the reason for this Simple statement: The front door is light green. Exclamation: That’s unbelievable ? ! Compound using “and”: I eat chips and drink coffee . Compound using “but”: He started out but turned back . Complex using “after”: She went home after finishing work Connective start “after”: After finishing work she went home . , . Complex using “because”: He went home because he felt ill Connective start “because”: Because he felt ill he went home . , .