Aim: Can I identify and use imperative verbs?
What is a verb? A verb is a doing word. It describes an action I eat my sandwiches. I write a letter.
What is an imperative verb? It is a bossy verb! It gives you an order or tells you what to do. Turn left at the traffic lights. Mix the flour and butter together.
Imperative verbs are often used when writing instructions. Use them after the time connective in your own instructions. First fold the card in half. Next cut a small slit. Then stick the picture onto the card.
Select a suitable imperative verb to complete each sentence. Turn right at the mini roundabout. Open the door and enter the corridor. Pour one pint of milk into a jug. Plug in the hairdryer before you turn it on.
Now you should be able to tell your partner: What an imperative verb is. When you might use an imperative verb. Some examples of imperative verbs you could use in your own writing. If you can give yourself a smiley face!