First attempt at using WIRED Eric van Herwijnen
Overview Gaudi MC event server Tracking group’s reconstructed events Test version released Future plans
WIRED /run1/event1.xml /event2.xml /....... /run2/event1.xml /..... /....../...... Eventx.xml WIRED EventDumpAlgorithm (Gaudi) Sicb dataset
Open an MC event from Web server
Production plans
Status of simulated event production 180 k mbias events 270 k bb inclusive 7*106 total number of events simulated so far ( 1 TB data)
Current capacity Production centers for simulation: For analysis: No dedicated LHCb facility CERN CSF (being phased out for us) RAL CSF IN2P3 Heidelberg For analysis: CERN RSBATCH/RSPLUS (being phased out for us)
New production centers CERN- Planned by end 1999: CSF PCSF (first production 300k events done for new magnet study, 150 k events/week) RSBATCH Linux cluster (analysis batch) RSPLUS LXTEST (interactive logon service) LHCb LSF cluster (corridor PC’s, 50 LHCb machines available, 75 k events/week)
New production centers Outside CERN (figures for v116/117): Liverpool ( 50 times PCSF, 7500 k events/week) RAL PC farm (half the size of PCSF, ie 75 k events/week) RAL CSF ( 10 k events/week) Lyon IN2P3 ( 20 k events/week) RIO Linux farm (?)
SICB performance
Test release Http:// Download the file install.class Install jdk 1.1.8 (from IBM) for best preformance Type java install
Future work Make an XML conversion service instead of an algorithm Re-arrange hits & reconstructed tracks Improve interactivity Get feedback