Rebecca Snead Executive Vice President & CEO NASPA State Level Initiatives to Address SUD and Treatment: The Pharmacist’s Role Rebecca Snead Executive Vice President & CEO NASPA
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs All states have a PDMP, except Missouri Many states have mandated that prescribers and pharmacists check the PDMP prior to writing and/or filling a prescription Many states have required the pharmacy to transfer the prescription data more frequently Some states are requiring reporting of non-controlled substances such as drugs of concern (gabapentin) and opioid overdose reversal agents (naloxone)
PDMP Data Submission Interval and Mandatory Use Requirements
Drug Disposal Trends Increase access to drug take back/disposal Pharmacies distributing drug deactivation bags in areas where there were no year-round drug take back sites Growing number of pharmacies have installed take back containers in their stores
Drug Disposal Locator Tool
Prescribing Mandatory e-prescribing Quantity limits (acute and initial Rx) Pharmacists detail physician practices on proper pain management and assisted on getting them and their designees registered for the state's PDMP and to use it
Naloxone Access in Community Pharmacies WA ME MT ND NH MN VT MA OR WI ID SD NY RI WY MI CT PA IA NJ NV NE OH IN UT IL DE WV CA CO VA MD KS MO KY DC NC TN OK AZ NM AR SC AL GA MS AK Statewide Protocol/Pharmacist Prescribing Statewide Standing Order Dispense without a prescription Standing Order None TX LA FL HI Based on data collected by NASPA (updated July 2018)
Pharmacists Role in SBIRT and MAT Pharmacists are increasingly offering Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) More actively engaging in Medicated-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Limited due to lack of inclusion in the DATA waiver program Administration of long-acting antipsychotics for mental health and Naltrexone XR Inj. for substance abuse
Mental Health First Aid Pharmacists are getting trained in Mental Health First Aid The training helps you to Assess a situation, Offer initial help and support, and Connect someone to appropriate care if an individual is experiencing a mental health or substance use problem. With a focus on learning risk factors, warning signs, and resources for mental illness and substance use disorders, attendees will be provided with the skills to display calmness, non-judgmental attitude, empathy, and support in order to be a reassuring and encouraging professional in your area of practice.
Rebecca Snead, RPh, FAPhA 8004-285-4431 Contact Information Rebecca Snead, RPh, FAPhA 8004-285-4431