Support and Doubts
Outline 1: Support No Reading Listening 1 Point 1 INTRODUCTION The reading and lecture present the issue of influenza pandemics. (the topic) The professor is drawing on current and previous example of flu pandemics to illustrate the key characteristics of influenza pandemics presented in the reading passage. (The link between the reading text and listening text) No Reading Listening 1 Point 1 Support of point 1 + examples 2 Point 2 Support of point 2 + examples 3 Point 3 CONCLUSION In conclusion, the professor in the listening text provides illustrations to explain the characteristics of the influenza pandemics by passage.
Outline 2: Casting Doubts (cons) INTRODUCTION The reading and the lecture discuss the topic of the 1918 influenza pandemic, also commonly known as the “Spanish Flu”. The professor, in the listening text, cast doubt on several key beliefs about Spanish Flu as they are presented in the reading passage. passage. (The link between the reading text and listening text) No Reading Listening 1 Point 1 Counter point 1 + examples 2 Point 2 Counter point 2 + examples 3 Point 3 CONCLUSION In conclusion, the professor in the listening text cast doubt to the points presented in the reading passage.