Sparsely Synchronized Brain Rhythm in A Small-World Neural Network Woochang Lim1 and Sang-Yoon Kim2 1Department of Science Education, Daegu National University of Education, Korea 2Research Division, LABASIS Co., Korea Introduction Sparsely Synchronized Brain Rhythms Associated with diverse cognitive functions (e.g., sensory perception, feature integration, selective attention, and memory formation) Population level: Fast oscillations [e.g., beta rhythm (15~30Hz), gamma rhythm (30~100Hz), and sharp-wave ripple (100~200Hz)] Cellular level: Stochastic and Intermittent discharges Complex Brain Network Network Topology: Complex (small-worldness and scale-freeness) Investigation of Sparsely-Synchronized Brain Rhythms in the Watts-Strogatz model for small-world networks Population and Individual Behaviors of Synchronized States Raster Plot and Global Potential With increasing p, the zigzagness degree in the raster plot becomes reduced. p>pmax (~0.5): Raster plot composed of stripes without zigzag. Amplitude of VG increases up to pmax and saturated. Population Rhythm Power spectra of VG with peaks at population frequencies ~ 18Hz. Beta Rhythm Firing Rate of Individual Neurons Average spiking frequency ~ 2Hz Sparse Spikings Interspike Interval Histograms Multiple peaks at multiples of the period of VG Stochastic phase locking leading to Stochastic Spike Skipping Small-World Neural Network Watts-Strogatz Model for the Small-World Network on A One-Dimensional Ring Start with directed regular ring lattice with N neurons where each neuron is coupled to its first k neighbors. Rewire each outward connection at random with probability p Inhibitory Population of Subthreshold Morris-Lecar Neurons Connection Weight Matrix W (determined by the small-world network topology): Economic Small-World Network Synchrony Degree M Spiking measure Mi of the ith stripe in the raster plot = Occupation degree Oi (representing the density of the ith stripe) Pacing degree Pi (denoting the smearing of the ith stripe) <Oi> is nearly the same (~0.11), independently of p. (due to stochastic spike skipping) With increasing p,<Pi> increases rapidly (due to appearance of long-range connections), and saturates for p=pmax (Number of long-range shortcuts for p=pmax is sufficient for the maximal pacing degree). With increasing p, synchrony degree M is increased until p=pmax because global efficiency of information transfer becomes better. Wiring Length Wiring length increases linearly with respect to p With increasing p, the wiring cost becomes expensive. Dynamical Efficiency Factor Tradeoff between Synchrony and Wiring Economy Optimally Sparsely Synchronized Rhythm Emerges at a minimal wiring cost in an economic small-world network for p=p*DE (~0.24). Real Inhibitory Synapse mediated by GABAA receptors: Emergence of Synchronized Population States Investigation of collective spike synchronization using the raster plot and population-averaged membrane potential Unsynchronized State in the Regular Lattice (p=0) Raster plot: Zigzag pattern intermingled with inclined partial stripes VG tends to be nearly stationary as N Unsynchronized population state Synchronized State for p=0.2 Raster plot: Little zigzagness VG displays more regular oscillation as N Synchronized population state Synchrony-Asynchrony Transition Thermodynamic Order Parameter Mean Square Deviation of VG: As N then O non- zero (zero) limit value for coherent (incoherent) states. Occurrence of Population Synchronization for p>pth (~ 0.044) Summary Emergence of Sparsely Synchronized Rhythms in A Small-World Network of Inhibitory Subthreshold ML Neurons Occurrence of Sparsely Synchronized Brain Rhythm as The Rewiring Probability Passes A Threshold pth (~0.044) Emergence of Optimally Sparsely Synchronized Brain Rhythm at a Minimal Wiring Cost in An Economic Small-World Network for p=p*DE (~0.24)