What Every Student Should Know About Starting Junior High North Posey Junior High School
You Are Going to Start Junior High School Soon! You are going to have a chance to: Meet more people!! Have more independence Think about your goals for the future Choose activities that interest YOU
Starting Junior High is a Big Step
It means you’re older. So it is ok to feel Excited!!! There is a lot to look forward to Nervous Starting junior high school can be a little scary. Don’t worry - lots of other kids will feel nervous too Sad It can be difficult if you aren’t in the same classes with some of your friends, but it gives you a chance to make new friends
How is Junior HIgh School Different? Different Classes You will go to a different classroom for every subject…So learn your class schedule! You will have 4 minutes between each class period. That is plenty of time! Don’t worry…… The teachers are very helpful and understanding. If you get lost or don’t know where to go just ask.
How Else is junior high different? New Rules Read the rules that are listed on the website. You will receive a copy of them at the beginning of the school year Older Classmates More Teachers More Schoolwork You Can Do It!!!!!
Organization is the To Success
#1 Be Sure you understand your assignments If you have a question don’t be afraid to ask it! Others probably have the same question as you, so raise your hand! Don’t leave school without understanding what your homework is and how to do it
#2 Know what you need to take to each class (Paper, Pencils, Folders, Textbooks, Chromebook) Make sure that your locker is clean so you can find what you need Put your homework into the folder after it is completed It might be a good idea to purchase a zipper binder so all of your supplies are in one place Make sure to charge your Chromebook every night
#3 Make Time for Homework Find a quiet place to work Make sure you have plenty of light Create a consistent schedule! Do your homework during the same time everyday! It will help you! Once homework is completed…check your backpack and put your things in a safe place for the next day
Getting organized takes practice, but you’ll see that it is worth the effort.
What is there to get involved at Junior High School Student Council Choir Band National Junior Honor Society Academic Teams Yearbook Robotics Team SWAG Spell Bowl Fellowship of Christian Athletes
There are Many sports programs for you Football Wrestling Dance Basketball Track and Field Cheerleading Cross Country Volleyball
Open yourself up to meeting a friend from another school North Elementary South Terrace Elementary Home of the Stars Home of the panthers
Junior High Questions and Answers 1. What time does school start? School starts at 8:00 and ends at 3:00 2. How many classes will I take? Students take 7 classes with a 25 minute homeroom after lunch 3. Do you get your own locker YES! With practice you will learn how to open it in no time 4. Where can you look for information on your schedule, school rules and homework? Harmony, Canvas, School and Corporation Website 5. How long does a student have to get to his/her next class? 4 minutes 6. What does NPJHS do for fun? Grade up party with prizes, Pink Out, Glow Party, AR Awards, intramurals Turkey Olympics, Minute to Win It Competition
What does a school counselor do? https://youtu.be/DOUmF72pfV0 7th Grade Orientation is March 13th at 6:00. Please bring your folders with you.