My Story Luke Tupa
“Only you can control your future”
Involvement In FBLA 7th Grade Completion of Future Level on BAA Attendee at State Leadership Conference located in Grand Forks, ND
8th Grade Completion of Business Level on BAA Attendee at State Leadership conference located in Fargo, ND 3rd place finish in FBLA Principles and Procedures test Attendee at National Leadership Conference located in Chicago, IL (June 29 – July 2)
9th Grade Completed FBLA Leader Level Chapter Historian Attendee at Fall Leadership conference located in Bismarck, ND
2015-2016 Chapter 2189 Officers
“Keep Moving Forward”
What FBLA Has Taught Me Before FBLA I didn’t even know what a resume was, or what a Job application looked like. I learned many business skills that will be effective in my future. I also learned how to be a responsible young leader. Along with these things, I learned that if you work hard, it pays off.