Developmental psychology Socioemotional Development in Infancy
Emotional Development Different Types of Cries Anger Different Types of Smiles Social
Emotional Development Fear Social Referencing Attachment
What Influences Attachment Styles? Parent – Child Interactions Infant’s Characteristics
Impact of Attachment Both and development are impacted
Promoting Secure Attachment Attend to the infant’s signals Try to soothe a fussing or crying infant Pay attention to positive cues not just the negative ones
Consequences of Insecure Attachment Development of Psychopathology
Emotional Development Temperament Classification Behavioral Inhibition Effortful Control ( )
Kagan’s Temperamental Classifications Inhibited
Emotional Development Biological Determinants of Temperament
Infant - Caregiver Interaction Goodness-of-fit model
Personality Development Erikson’s Development of a sense of self