Michael Perkins EDU 214/Spring 2017 Classroom Rule Michael Perkins EDU 214/Spring 2017
Be Respectful Respect your teacher, Respect your classmate, Respect yourself.
Be Respectful Respect your teacher, Respect your classmate, Respect yourself.
Clean up after yourself Trash cans are located near the door and by my desk.
Be Respectful Respect your classmate, Respect your teacher, Respect yourself.
No talking out of turn. Unless called upon. No talking during lecture or tests, unless called upon. Talking during group activities is encouraged.
Raise your hand Have a question, Have an answer, Need to use the restroom
Be Respectful Respect yourself. Respect your teacher, Respect your classmate, Respect yourself.
Turn in classwork on time To get full credit for your work it needs to be in, on time.
No sleeping Do your future self a favor and go to sleep on time. Information in Lecture is on the test
Lets begin todays lecture Take out your notebooks and something to write with.
What is Topography?