Final Review Dr. Xiaolin Hu
Coverage Chapter 1-6, 8 (partial coverage, more details later), 11 (partial coverage, more details later). Read Chapter 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 10.5 would help you to have a better understanding of Chapter 3 (which is covered by the final test). In other words, you will be asked to write one or more classes (with instance variables and instance methods) in the code writing type of questions.
Overview December 12, 10:45am-13:00pm 135 minutes 100 points 15 bonus points
Question Types Short answer, problem solving, code writing. Same style as in Test 1, Test 2, Quiz1, and Quiz2. Make sure that you understand and can solve all the problems in those tests.
Content Covered in Chapter 8 Exceptions The continue statement Nested loops (exclude the Labeled break statements and the Labeled continue statements).
Content Covered in Chapter 11 Inheritance The public, protected, and private access modifiers Overriding Abstract class See the PPT slides on the class webpage for more details
Variables and Data Types Arithmetic operators, Relational operators, Equality(inequality) operators, Logical operators (AND, OR NOT) Class and Object, constructors Object references Method String class Array: length, declare, initialize, access, resize (add/delete), create array of objects If-else statement Loops: while, for, nested loops Break and continue operators: when and how to use, for example, search an item in an array Exceptions, Try/catch block Graphics basic: concept of pixels, coordinates, draw line, draw polygon, draw polyline Know how to write practical code, and read/understand java code.
Some Exercise Problems