I2C and DAC Interfacing and Programming Chapter9 I2C and DAC Interfacing and Programming
I2C Bus Characteristics
I2C Bit Format
START and STOP Conditions in I2C
Serial data Communication Comparison
DAC Block Diagram
Microcontroller Connection to DAC0808
MCP4725 DAC Block Diagram
I2C Connection to MCP4725 DAC in EduPad
Saw Tooth WaveForm
Angle vs. Voltage Magnitude for Sine Wave (degrees) Sin Ɵ VOUT (Voltage Magnitude) 1. 65V + (1. 65V × sin Ɵ) Values Sent to DAC (decimal) (Voltage Mag. × 310) 1.65 2048 30 0.5 2.475 3071 60 0.866 3.0789 3821 90 1.0 3.3 4095 120 150 180 210 -0.5 0.825 1024 240 -0.866 0.2211 274 270 -1.0 300 330 360
Angle vs. Voltage Magnitude for Sine Wave (for 3V)