Endolysosomal proteins are exported from the Golgi complex in two distinct populations of transport carriers. Endolysosomal proteins are exported from the Golgi complex in two distinct populations of transport carriers. (a–c) HeLa cells coexpressing streptavidin–KDEL with each of the indicated reporter proteins were treated with biotin and imaged live by spinning-disk confocal microscopy. The left panel shows single frames captured at the indicated times after addition of biotin. The right panel shows magnified images of the boxed areas. (d–f) HeLa cells coexpressing streptavidin–KDEL with combinations of the indicated reporter constructs were analyzed as in a–c. The left columns show single frames captured at the indicated times after addition of biotin (from Video 2 in d and Video 3 in e). The right columns show magnified images of the boxed areas. Bars: (low magnification) 5 µm; (high magnification) 1 µm. Yu Chen et al. J Cell Biol 2017;216:4141-4151 This is a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States. Foreign copyrights may apply.