Alliance VISTA November Cohort Meeting Welcome!
Training Agenda Welcome!! Check is everyone doing? Presentation by Colleen Kaibel Closing Circle Announcements Hello everyone, welcome to our second cohort day. Today is a relaxed overview etc, please participate and add in your own expertise.
Check In/How Are You? How are you doing? How’s it going so far? Anything new or exciting? Fun Question: Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Hello everyone, welcome to our second cohort day. Today is a relaxed overview etc, please participate and add in your own expertise.
Welcome Colleen Kaibel!! Presentation on Check and Connect Student Engagement
Closing Announcements Site visits will continue throughout November and December AmeriCoach opportunity is still available ACES Training Wednesday November 14th 9:30am-4:00pm(mandatory) Sign up for the Timberwolves game!! Keynote Speaker: Sam Simmons: Historical Trauma To Healing Thursday November 15th 8:30am- 4pm (optional) Monthly Reflections due at the end of the month
Networking Opportunity AmeriCorps Alums Happy Hour/Trivia Night @ Finnegans (current members you count as alums too!) First Wednesday of every month: next one is December 5th 2018. Location is 817 5th Street, Minneapolis Starts at 6:30pm Trivia is at 7:00pm.