Vocabulary 1
lineage xenophobia globalization refugee unimportant irrelevant contradict rebuttal interjection obtrusive
verbatim pertinent undermine illicit biological
lineage: (n)the line of descendants of a particular ancestor
Xenophobia: (n) an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners
globalization: (n) extending to other or all parts of the world
refugee: (n) a person who flees for refuge or safety
Unimportant: (adj) of much or great significance or consequence
irrelevant: (adj) unrelated or not applicable
contradict: (v) to assert the contrary or opposite of.
rebuttal: (n)the act of contradicting or opposing by formal legal argument
Interjection: (n)an exclamatory word, to interrupt
obtrusive: (adj) forward in manner and conduct
verbatim: (adj/adv) to say word for word.
pertinent: (adj) having a clear decisive relevance to the matter in hand
undermine: (v) to subvert or weaken insidiously or secretly
illicit: (adj) unlawful
biological: (adj) of or relating to life and living processes