Dinosaur Name Name # 2nd Gr. G.A.T.E. Pony Express 2/7/2012 Mr. Batten Rm. 14
Anatomy… The ____________ grows to the size of… It’s bone structure is… It’s body systems are unique because…
Habitat and Territory The_____’s habitat is in the________ It’s territory has a distance of about______ Some ways that the __________ has adapted to live in, and protect it’s territory are…
Lifecycle of______ How old did they get? How many eggs did they lay? Describe their life…
Predators and Prey of the ____ Some predators of the ____ are… How they hunt is… Some prey of the ____ are… How the ___ is hunted is…
Time Period This dinosaur lived during the _____period. This was during the years____to ____ B.C. This dinosaur was a member of the _____family.
How we worked together as a team Captain- Typist(s)- Bibliographer- PowerPoint expert- We give ourselves the grade of for working together well. Why…
Some new questions we still have about this dinosaur…
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