The Bean Game Bean Game Resources: Parker, L. (n..d.). The Bean Game. Washington State University Extension, Family Resource Management Specialist. Office of State Treasurer John Perdue. (n.d.). The Budget Game: Living on a 20 Square Salary. Financial Education Programs, Charleston, WV. Retrieved October 26, 2008 from
Purpose The purpose of The Bean Game is to help you see that money management is all about making choices. There is rarely enough money available for all of the things we’d like to have or do. This game will help you decide what is most important to you. For this activity, beans represent money.
for the fate each student in class. The Bean Game Random Selection Wheel Step #1: Click on the Spin Button for the fate each student in class. Step #2: Click for further instructions. Number Single or Couple? 50, 70, 75, 15, 100 Single - You will have your own game boards and beans. 45, 10 , 30, 25 Couple - You will share a game board and beans with a friend.
Round #1 Each single or couple will be given two game boards, a list of reflection questions, and 20 beans. Singles/couples must select one item from each of the categories with gold stars. Once you have finished selecting items in the required categories (with stars), continue selecting items until you have used up all of your beans. Click here once all students have placed their beans on their game boards.
Click here once selected students have shared out with the class. Round #1 Reflection Each single or couple answers the questions in the first box on the reflection worksheet. Volunteers share out their answers. Click here once selected students have shared out with the class.
Round #2 Your income has just been cut to 13 beans. What will you give up? Make changes until you only have 13 beans on your game boards. Click here once all students have removed 6 beans from their game boards.
Click here once selected students have shared out with the class. Round #2 Reflection Each single or couple answers the questions in the second box on the reflection worksheet. Volunteers share out their answers. Click here once selected students have shared out with the class.
for each single/couple. The Bean Game Round #3 Selection Wheel Step #1: Click on the Spin Button for each single/couple. Step #2: Click for further instructions. Number Your Fate 50, 70, 100, You just got a 2 bean raise at work. Add 2 beans to your game boards 45, 10 , 30, 75 You just broke your leg. If you don’t have insurance, take off 4 beans. If you do have insurance, do nothing. 15, 25 Your home was broken into. If you don’t have insurance, take off 3 beans. If you do have insurance, do nothing.
Click here once selected students have shared out with the class. Round #3 Reflection Each single or couple answers the question in the third box on the reflection worksheet. Volunteers share out their answers. Click here once selected students have shared out with the class.
for each single/couple. The Bean Game Round #4 Selection Wheel Step #1: Click on the Spin Button for each single/couple. Step #2: Click for further instructions. Number Your Fate 50, 70, 100, You worked extra hours this month, add 2 beans to your game boards. 45, 10 , 30, 75 Your car broke down. It will cost 2 beans to fix it. Remove 2 beans from your game boards. 15, 25 Your refrigerator breaks. Remove 1 bean to pay for spoiled food.
Click here once selected students have shared out with the class. Round #4 Reflection Each single or couple answers the questions in the fourth box on the reflection worksheet. Volunteers share out their answers. Click here once selected students have shared out with the class.
Click here once selected students have finished coloring in boxes. Round #5 Use a marker, highlighter, or pen to color in all of the boxes on your game boards that have beans in them. Remove all beans from your game boards. Look at the Savings section on your game boards. For every box that is colored in, pick up a bean and place it on your game cards. With a different color, marker, highlighter, or pen, color in these new boxes. Remove all beans from game boards and return them to your teacher. Click here once selected students have finished coloring in boxes.
Round #5 Reflection Each single or couple answers the questions in the fifth box on the reflection worksheet. Volunteers share out their answers.