Vocabulary, Wk. 7 Medical Vocabulary
opt: eye optometrist (n.) neur: nerve neuritis checks and corrects vision, usually through prescribing and fitting glasses inflammation of a nerve
ologist: specialist ophthalmologist (n.) dermatologist (n.) psychiatrist (n) trained doctor or surgeon who treats troubles and diseases of the eyes specializes in diseases of the skin specializes in mental ailments
orthodontist (n.) podiatrist specializes in straightening teeth and correcting bites specializes in ailments of the feet
itis: inflammation of carditis (n.) dermatitis (n.) gastritis (n.) sinusitis (n.) inflammation of the heart inflammation of the skin inflammation of the stomach inflammation of the sinuses
laryngitis (n.) arthritis (n.) gingivitis (n.) appendicitis (n.) inflammation of the larynx (voice box) inflammation of the joints inflammation of the gums inflammation of the appendix